Naša vizija
in poslanstvo

Z odgovornim sprejemanjem projektov, kvalitetno izvedbo in realizacijo, želimo biti podjetje z veliko dodano vrednostjo, ki svojim zaposlenim omogoča kakovostno preživljanje časa na delovnem mestu in socialno varnost. Z učinkovito dodelanim sistemom proizvodnje želimo biti ekološko osveščeni in zmanjšati odpadke oz z njimi smotrno postopati.


Our priority is employing personnel that can help with achieving our set objectives through their knowledge and experience. We are offering younger talent without experience the opportunity of employment, as our current structure with a high ratio of educated and experienced employees enables it. As we believe that the success of each individual in our company is also our success, we’re offering all who want to become part of our team a safe, stable and orderly environment. Our employees enjoy internal training opportunities, that is on the job, and external training opportunities with expert partners. We are crafting an innovative environment through encouragement of expression for each individual; we are convinced that each and every one contributes to our exceptional team with their own uniqueness. Should you want to work as a pipe specialist, fitter, welder, locksmith, electrician or sales associate you are invited to apply.

Business success is based on the enthusiasm and knowledge of employees. We strive to find and motivate capable employees as well as encourage quality relationships. Our workers are among the best in their line of work, as we invest in the knowledge and development of all employees.

Our company specialises in the following fields:

Our Team

Our team consists of different segments. The company has more than 80 quality employees who work in the fields listed below.

Certified welders (electrical, CO2, MIG/MAG, TIG welding processes)

Electricians and electrical equipment fitters

Fitters of heating and ventilation systems as well as plumbing

Fitters of pipes and insulation in industrial machines and buildings

Machine installations

Installation of heating and cooling systems, installation of plumbing and industrial insulation work


welding and assembling of constructions and warehouse equipment

Electrical installations

electrical installation work on business premises and in production facilities

Fitting and maintenance

assembly and overhaul of production lines

Our team


Aleksandar Slavnić

02 333 4142



Radivoj Zavec

059 365 695



Mojca Maurič

059 365 693



Breda Fornezzi

02 333 4147


Sales - Project Manager

Damir Krčmar

059 365 694



Lea Zarić

02 333 4140



Saša Slavnić

02 333 4141
